Last weekend Greg and I visited the
Irving Nature Park for the first time.
Birdfeeders! |
Complete with child artwork! |
A Black Capped Chickadee followed us around for a little while so I was able to get a few good photos of the little guy:
Black Capped Chicadee |
Upclose |
Later on in the walk (on many different occasions!!) these little birds attacked me, but not Greg. Strange, strange...maybe they are camera shy? Except that first one of course.
There is a point on the walk where you can look out into the ocean, Greg spotted something bobbing in the water so upon closer inspection it was a seal!! Sadly you can't take photos through the viewer...I tried.
There are a number of trails in the park, they are named after different animals that live in the park:
Heron Trail |
Deer Trail |
Frog Trail |
Seal Trail |
We stopped at a beach and spotted birds trying to court each other - two males were showing off for the one female. Sadly they were too far away to take a photo.
Cuties in Booties!!! Lovin the updates, especially Donnie Dunphy because I have gotten my Dave and his buddy hooked on it...even last night we were driving and they saw 2 guys on those little bikes driving around (we think they're pizza guys) and they both yelled "WHEELIES!" as they drove past. Miss you! skype soon yes?