16 April 2012

We Have a BBQ!

An early wedding present from Greg's brother's family (Andrew, Sue, Patrick and Rudy) led us to a delicious dinner this evening. Oh, also Greg's time and effort spent on putting it together. They gave us a BBQ and we are very happy it was an early present so we can eat our faces off with delicious BBQ'd food!

Thanks Andrew, Sue, Patrick and Rudy!!

Lots of assembly required

But he did it, huzzah!

Veggie and shrimp skewers to break in the BBQ

Finished product with Picaroons Greg brought home from
his visit to NB this weekend - yummy!

While at the grocery store this evening I spied these little things, kumquats, and neither of us had had them before so it was our dessert. They are interesting, and even more interesting are the videos of how to eat them - yes I looked up how to eat kumquats, I didn't want to mess it up!

They are super tiny! That's a beer cap for reference

If you've ever wondered how to eat a kumquat, like I did, here are two useful videos. I didn't believe the first one I saw so I had to seek the advice of another:

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for bbq! That is always the first sign of summer.


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