13 April 2013

Conference Conference!

The last couple of days I spent some time in Bridgewater chaperoning a great group of grade 10 students at an International Baccalaureate (IB) Conference. It was one of the most organized conferences I've ever attended and it was put on by grade 11 students - I was impressed!

The conference was held at Park View Education Centre, which as far as I can tell is an amazing school. Everywhere you go there is student art work hanging from or directly painted on the wall (or ceiling). Even the chemistry lab is fully decked out in creativity.

 A little fuzzy, but this classroom is attempting to recreate the periodic table on the ceiling with each ceiling tile dedicated to an element - AMAZING, RIGHT?!

There were lots of other great things in this school, including a very inviting library!

Oh, and here is a picture of me, teaching physics courtesy of a talented student:

1 comment:

  1. Did you have any fire marshal problems? I have pitched this idea to my principal and he is on board but the fire marshal says no!


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