14 February 2012

Valentines Day

If you have me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter you might already know that I'm a fan of Valentine's Day. I like pink, hearts, treats and love. I'm also a sucker for any sort of 'holiday' where I can make themed garland to hang out the place (I'll post pictures of that tomorrow).

I have a few others to add, but I thought I would post these pictures since today is actually Valentine's Day. After school today I volunteered to help set up for a charity event at Glasgow Square, my friend Cheryl was the lady in charge and despite her busyness she had a minute to pose for a hilarious photo - we were both wearing pink, it made sense.

Oh and the event was Valentine's Day themed (hence the hearts in the background) and that explains the heart shaped bowl we're holding, we're nerds.

We got a little silly, it was bound to happen

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