11 May 2010

Growing Goodies

What I thought was a totally failed attempt at growing basil has taken a turn for the better. After going to Fredericton for a few days and forgetting to compost the moldy basil sprouts before I left I came back to a surprise:

They've GROWN! There is a little bit of fuzzy mold on the base of a few of the sprouts but I'm just going to keep them around to see what comes of it. I do enjoy a good science experiment!

I also planted a garlic bulb that went a little too long hanging out on my fridge and sprouted a little something. It seems to be doing well in it's new home of a yogurt container:

It's really grown a lot in the last few days. I'm not too sure how garlic grows, but this seems to be doing okay. There will be more photos of these yummy plants to come!

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