01 May 2010

Happy May!

I'm not one to wish away time, but I am excited that May is here for at least three reasons:

1. Calendars
I get to change the Kurt Halsey calendar that Greg gave me as a just because present to May. January through April's calendar pictures have been a little sad and depressing, I guess like winter. But May bring all kinds of life:

2. DIY Gardening Kits
Stores have their 'start your own garden' swag out in full force. Since I live in a bachelor apartment in a 3 story building my gardening options are limited. I'm not sure how this will end, but I picked up a herb growing kit at the grocery store today. I'm going to grow basil, or so I'm hoping. Apparently I just add water to the circle of dirt below, add the seeds, cover with a little plastic dome to keep all the goodies in and wait until something sprouts. I'm not holding my breath, but I'm hopeful!

 There will no doubt be updates on my nifty little kit, that's reason to keep coming back and reading, right?

3. Proper Gardens 
Greg lives in a proper house and we planted bulbs last fall and many of them are blooming all over the place:

It seems we have a lot of purple flowers, I don't think that was intentional. We pretty much just grabbed a bunch of different bulbs from the market, they all had labels and pictures...so I can't imagine we would go with all purples. Anyway, I'm very happy about this garden regardless of the colours! There are also a few red ones that have popped up since I took these pictures (last weekend) which adds an extra bit of the rainbow.

Hooray for May!

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